Your exclusive Culligan Representative in Halifax Regional Municpality

Bacteria and Pathogens

uv-2Let us use the introduction to this section to clear up another myth in our industry. The requirements with respect to water testing through a laboratory for home owners are linked to the results of E-coli, (faecal coliforms) and Total Coliforms. Those two contaminants are regularly used in our industry as so called indicator bacteria and nothing else. What that exactly means, can become a point of a personal meeting.

But this is by all means not even close to a representative picture of any pathogenic activities in your water supply. Both types of bacteria are organic in nature, meaning they will not be distributed evenly in your water supply. Seasonal aspects come into play as well. And do you really believe, that E-Coli and Total Coliforms are the only pathogens in the bacterial world?

Besides all that, what about other potential pathogens, linked to the microbiological contamination, which are by far not touch upon? This can refer to viruses, cysts, nematodes/worms, mould, fungi, medicine related contaminants and the lists goes on.  Does it make sense, testing for all of those? Very likely not.

But consider this, when approaching a proper pre-treatment sequence:

Municipal water supplies, basically draw the water from the same source (more or less) as any well owner does, disinfect the water on a permanent basis. They do not take a look at snapshot- samples and provide a continues disinfection 24/7. So why would you, as a well owner, being responsible for your own water supply, take a different approach?

The good news is that in our industry there are numerous product lines are available, which can achieve a barrier to pathogenic intrusions into your house.

Bacteria-and-Pathogens-1From chemical feeds to hollow fibre technology, UV lights, ultra filtration, nano filtration many others, there is a wide range of products available to meet your objectives.

Yet in general terms it is prudent to say that having some means of permanent “disinfection” in place is most definitely a diligent approach to this topic.

As you have seen and heard before by now, choice of equipment, sizing of such and considerations along the lines of service and maintenance costs should be taken into account before a decision is made.

We’d be happy to help you along those lines.


Trojan UV Max