Your exclusive Culligan Representative in Halifax Regional Municpality

Accurate Testing

We provide a full service in the area of water testing to our customers. Please contact us for detailed pricing for each section.

In order to receive a clear and complete picture of given water conditions, on-site and lab testing need to go hand in hand. Certain parameters are best tested for right on-site, as close as possible to the raw water source since they can change quickly; other parameters – especially the health related ones – are better tested through a lab. It is this combination of on-site and lab testing sequences, which allows for a proper, functional and effective system design.

Comprehensive water testing comprises of three main components:Accurate Water Testing

  1. On-site Testing package(s)
  2. Laboratory Testing
  3. Specialty testing – if required and/or necessary

On-site testing:

Our regular on-site testing already includes many paramters, such as

hardness, pH, alkalinity, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, total iron, temperature, ORP, Salinity and manganese. On top we take a close look at the given technical circumstances and make recommendations along those lines as well.

Additional tests:

Where applicable and recommendable and in coordination with the customer, we provide many specialty tests as “add-ons”, such as for example:

–         Hydrogen Sulfide Testing

–         Tannin Testing

–         FE-Select (specific iron-type testing)

–         Arsenic Speciation Testing

–         Iron Bacteria Testing

–         Sulfate-Reducing-Bacteria Testing

–         Digital in-house Flow rate testing

–         UVT – Ultraviolet Transmittance Testing

….. just to name a few.

Lab Testing:

For lab testing orders it is crucial to have the correct parameters included in a testing sequence. We assist and advice our customers along those lines. Once a lab report has been provided, we explain the data shown on the report, point out potential areas of concern and make recommendations as to what options could be applied for remediation.

Laboratory testing requires specific means and our process along those lines looks as follows:

–         Scheduling appointment at your convenience

–         Providing sample bottles as required by the lab

–         Accurate sampling of and transportation to lab in suitable environment within allowed time frame

–         Completing all paperwork, required by the lab incl. container disposal fee charged by the lab

–         Delivering electronic confirmation of test sequence from lab as well as full electronic lab report results

–         Analysis of lab results and review with customer

–         Reminder service for future test sequences can be requested

Money spent on proper testing is money well spent. If your water is really good in all aspects, the results can provide peace of mind and a good foundation for potential future comparisons. If your water shows areas of concern, we trust you’ll be happy you know about them. This does not mean you should or have to treat the impurities – depending on what they are and what the intended water usage is – but at least you are aware of their presence, know what you’re up against and again, you have just gained peace of mind and awareness.

Please contact us to receive the most current rates for any testing objectives. In order to avoid unnecessary additional expenses, we ask our customers to make sure that free and easy access to the undisturbed raw water entry point inside the house (or directly comparable sampling source) is ensured.

Your Perfect Water Nova Scotia Team